Wednesday 4 January 2012

Back to work

It was nice to take a little break over Christmas, spent the two months before Christmas buried under several metres of taffeta in various colours for the ball season. All over now so back to concentrating on a bespoke trouser and top combination for a client.

Also planned for the coming month is a major website overhaul and the construction of as much stock as possible for my online store. Its all cut out, it just needs attacking with a sewing machine to turn the heap of fabric into the fabulous garments they are destined to be.

Then its on to planning for the Easter craft fayre, silk paper is going to feature heavily, I have plans for several vases and experiments with colours and textures to complete. As the phone and tablet computer cases sold well pre Christmas, I think a few more of those might be in order too. I have ideas for quilted, crochet and leather work pieces, the latter aimed at a more masculine customer.